
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

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:heavy_check_mark: verify/aoj/0367.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM "http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=0367"
// "https://onlinejudge.u-aizu.ac.jp/challenges/sources/PCK/Prelim/0367?year=2017"

#include "template.cpp"
#include "data-structure/segtree.cpp"
#include "tree/hld.cpp"
#include "util/compress.cpp"
#include "util/fast-io.cpp"

struct Path {
  array<int, 2> to;
  ll cost;
  Path(int u = -1, int v = -1, ll _cost = -1) : to({min(u, v), max(u, v)}), cost(_cost) {}
  bool operator==(const Path& rhs) const { return to == rhs.to; }
  bool operator<(const Path& rhs) const { return to < rhs.to; }

int main() {
  int n = IN, k = IN;

  Graph graph(n);
  VLL weight(n);
  Compress<Path> edges;

  rep(n - 1) {
    int a = IN, b = IN, c = IN;
    edges.emplace(a, b, c);

  HLD hld(graph);

  auto merge_path = [&](const Path& a, const Path& b) {
    if (a.cost == -1) return b; else if (b.cost == -1) return a;
    auto edge_cost = [&](int u, int v) {
      ll res = weight[u] + weight[v]
               + edges.restore(edges(Path(u, v))).cost;
      return res % k ? res : 0;
    rep(i, 2) rep(j, 2)
      if (binary_search(all(edges), Path(a.to[i], b.to[j])))
        return Path(a.to[i ^ 1], b.to[j ^ 1],
                    a.cost + b.cost + edge_cost(a.to[i], b.to[j]));
    return Path();

  auto do_nothing = [](auto x, auto y) { return x; };

  vector<Path> paths(n);
  rep(i, n) paths[i] = Path(hld.restore(i), hld.restore(i), 0);

  SegmentTree<Path, decltype(merge_path), decltype(do_nothing)>
    segtree(paths.begin(), paths.end(), n, Path(), merge_path, do_nothing);

  rep(IN) {
    string cmd = IN; int x = IN, y = IN;
    if (cmd[0] == 'a') weight[x] += y, segtree.modify(hld.vertex(x), Path());
    else {
      Path r1, r2;
      int z = hld.lca(x, y);
      hld.path_vertex(x, z, [&](auto l, auto r){ r1 = merge_path(r1, segtree.fold(l, r)); });
      hld.path_edge(y, z, [&](auto l, auto r){ r2 = merge_path(r2, segtree.fold(l, r)); });
      OUT(merge_path(r1, r2).cost);
#line 1 "verify/aoj/0367.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM "http://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=0367"
// "https://onlinejudge.u-aizu.ac.jp/challenges/sources/PCK/Prelim/0367?year=2017"

#line 2 "template.cpp"

#ifndef LOCAL
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC target("avx")
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
using VI = vector<int>;
using VVI = vector<vector<int>>;
using VLL = vector<ll>;
using VVLL = vector<vector<ll>>;
using VB = vector<bool>;
using PII = pair<int, int>;
using PLL = pair<ll, ll>;
constexpr int INF = 1000000007;
constexpr ll INF_LL = 1'000'000'000'000'000'007;
#define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
#define rall(x) rbegin(x), rend(x)
#define newl '\n'

// loops rep(until) / rep(var, until) / rep(var, from, until) / repr (reversed order)
#define OVERLOAD3(_1, _2, _3, name, ...) name
#define REPEAT(times) REPEAT_CNT(_repeat, __COUNTER__, times)
#define REPEAT_CNT(_repeat, cnt, times) REPEAT_CNT_CAT(_repeat, cnt, times)
#define REPEAT_CNT_CAT(_repeat, cnt, times) REPEAT_FROM_UNTIL(_repeat ## cnt, 0, times)
#define REPEAT_UNTIL(name, times) REPEAT_FROM_UNTIL(name, 0, times)
#define REPEAT_FROM_UNTIL(name, from, until) for (int name = from, name ## __until = (until); name < name ## __until; name++)
#define REPR_UNTIL(name, times) REPR_FROM_UNTIL(name, 0, times)
#define REPR_FROM_UNTIL(name, from, until) for (int name = (until)-1, name ## __from = (from); name >= name ## __from; name--)

template <typename T, typename U>
bool chmin(T& var, U x) { if (var > x) { var = x; return true; } else return false; }
template <typename T, typename U>
bool chmax(T& var, U x) { if (var < x) { var = x; return true; } else return false; }
ll power(ll e, ll t, ll mod = INF_LL) {
  ll res = 1; for (; t; t >>= 1, (e *= e) %= mod) if (t & 1) (res *= e) %= mod; return res;
ll choose(ll n, int r) {
  chmin(r, n-r); if (r < 0) return 0; ll res = 1; rep(i, r) res *= n-i, res /= i+1; return res;
template <typename T, typename U> T divceil(T m, U d) { return (m + d - 1) / d; }
template <typename T> vector<T> make_v(size_t a, T b) { return vector<T>(a, b); }
template <typename... Ts> auto make_v(size_t a, Ts... ts) {
  return vector<decltype(make_v(ts...))>(a, make_v(ts...));

// debugging stuff
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmisleading-indentation"
#define repi(it, ds) for (auto it = ds.begin(); it != ds.end(); it++)
class DebugPrint { public: template <typename T> DebugPrint& operator <<(const T& v) {
#ifdef LOCAL
    cerr << v;
return *this; } } debugos; template <typename T> DebugPrint& operator<<(DebugPrint& os, const
vector<T>& vec) { os << "{"; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) os << vec[i] << (i + 1 ==
vec.size() ? "" : ", "); os << "}"; return os; } template <typename T, typename U> DebugPrint&
operator<<(DebugPrint& os, const map<T, U>& map_var) { os << "{"; repi(itr, map_var) { os << *
itr; itr++; if (itr != map_var.end()) os << ", "; itr--; } os << "}"; return os; } template <
typename T> DebugPrint& operator<<(DebugPrint& os, const set<T>& set_var) { os << "{"; repi(
itr, set_var) { os << *itr; itr++; if (itr != set_var.end()) os << ", "; itr--; } os << "}";
return os; } template <typename T, typename U> DebugPrint& operator<<(DebugPrint& os, const
pair<T, U>& p) { os << "(" << p.first << ", " << p.second << ")"; return os; } void dump_func(
) { debugos << newl; } template <class Head, class... Tail> void dump_func(Head &&head, Tail
&&... tail) { debugos << head; if (sizeof...(Tail) > 0) { debugos << ", "; } dump_func(forward
<Tail>(tail)...); }
#ifdef LOCAL
#define dump(...) debugos << "  " << string(#__VA_ARGS__) << ": " << "[" << to_string(__LINE__) \
<< ":" << __FUNCTION__ << "]" << newl << "    ", dump_func(__VA_ARGS__)
#define dump(...) ({})
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

#line 2 "data-structure/segtree.cpp"

#line 2 "util/function-objects.cpp"

#line 4 "util/function-objects.cpp"

struct minT {
  template <typename T>
  T operator()(T a, T b) const {
    return min(a, b);

struct maxT {
  template <typename T>
  T operator()(T a, T b) const {
    return max(a, b);

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
struct assignT {
  template <typename T>
  T operator()(T a, T b, int k = 0) const { return b; }
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

struct plusT {
  template <typename T>
  T operator()(T a, T b, int k = 1) const { return a + b * k; }
#line 5 "data-structure/segtree.cpp"

#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
template <typename T, typename Combine, typename Action>
class SegmentTree {
  const size_t n;
  const T unit;
  const Combine combine;
  const Action action;
  vector<T> data;

  SegmentTree(size_t n = 0, T unit = {}, Combine combine = {},
              Action action = {})
      : n(n), unit(unit), combine(combine), action(action), data(n << 1, unit) {

  template <
      typename Iter,
      enable_if_t<is_same<typename Iter::value_type, T>::value>* = nullptr>
  SegmentTree(Iter first, Iter last, size_t n, T unit = {},
              Combine combine = {}, Action action = {})
      : n(n), unit(unit), combine(combine), action(action), data(n << 1) {
    copy(first, last, data.begin() + n);

  template <
      typename Iter,
      enable_if_t<!is_same<typename Iter::value_type, T>::value>* = nullptr>
  [[deprecated]] SegmentTree(Iter first, Iter last, size_t n, T unit = {},
                             Combine combine = {}, Action action = {})
      : n(n), unit(unit), combine(combine), action(action), data(n << 1) {
    copy(first, last, data.begin() + n);

  template <typename Iter>
  SegmentTree(Iter first, Iter last, T unit = {}, Combine combine = {},
              Action action = {})
      : SegmentTree(first, last, distance(first, last), unit, combine, action) {

  void build() { repr(i, n) data[i] = combine(data[i << 1], data[i << 1 | 1]); }

  void modify(int l, T v) {
    l += n;
    data[l] = action(data[l], v);
    for (; l > 1; l >>= 1) data[l >> 1] = combine(data[l & (~1)], data[l | 1]);

  T fold(int l, int r) const {
    if (l == r) return unit;
    if (l + 1 == r) return data[l + n];
    T resl = data[l += n], resr = data[(r += n) - 1];
    for (l++, r--; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
      if (l & 1) resl = combine(resl, data[l++]);
      if (r & 1) resr = combine(data[--r], resr);
    return combine(resl, resr);
  // min r s.t. fold(l, r) >= v -- or n+1 if failed
  template <typename Compare = less<T>>
  int lower_bound(T v, int l = 0, Compare comp = {}) {
    if (not comp(unit, v)) return l;
    int r = n;
    VI rootL, rootR;
    for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) {
      if (l & 1) rootL.push_back(l++);
      if (r & 1) rootR.push_back(--r);
    VI roots = move(rootL); roots.insert(roots.end(), rall(rootR));
    T accL = unit;
    for (int root : roots) {
      T tmpL = combine(accL, data[root]);
      if (comp(tmpL, v)) {
        accL = tmpL;
      while (root < n) {
        tmpL = combine(accL, data[root << 1]);
        if (comp(tmpL, v)) accL = tmpL, root = root << 1 | 1;
        else root = root << 1;
      return root - n + 1;
    return n + 1;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#line 2 "tree/hld.cpp"

#line 2 "graph/graph.cpp"

#line 4 "graph/graph.cpp"

struct Edge {
  int to; ll cost;
  Edge(int _to) : to(_to), cost(1) {}
  Edge(int _to, ll _cost) : to(_to), cost(_cost) {}
  operator int() const { return to; }

using Graph = vector<vector<Edge>>;
#line 5 "tree/hld.cpp"

class HLD {
  VI index, sz, par, rev;
  // last vertex in ascending heavy path
  VI nxt;

  HLD(Graph& graph)
      : index(graph.size()), sz(graph.size(), 1),
        par(graph.size(), -1), rev(graph.size()), nxt(graph.size()) {
    dfs_sz(graph, 0);
    dfs_hld(graph, 0);

  void dfs_sz(Graph& graph, int v) {
    if (graph[v].size() >= 2 and graph[v][0] == par[v])
      swap(graph[v][0], graph[v][1]);
    for (auto& c : graph[v])
      if (c != par[v]) {
        par[c] = v;
        dfs_sz(graph, c);
        sz[v] += sz[c];
        if (sz[c] > sz[graph[v][0]]) swap(c, graph[v][0]);

  void dfs_hld(const Graph& graph, int v) {
    static int t = 0;
    index[v] = t++;
    rev[index[v]] = v;
    for (auto c : graph[v])
      if (c != par[v]) {
        nxt[c] = (c.to == graph[v][0].to ? nxt[v] : c.to);
        dfs_hld(graph, c);
    assert(sz[v] == t - index[v]);

  template <typename F>
  void path_vertex(int u, int v, F f) {
    while (true) {
      if (index[u] > index[v]) swap(u, v);
      // debug(u); debug(v);
      // debug(nxt[u]); debug(index[u]);
      f(max(index[nxt[v]], index[u]), index[v] + 1);
      if (nxt[u] != nxt[v])
        v = par[nxt[v]];

  template <typename F>
  void path_edge(int u, int v, F f) {
    while (true) {
      if (index[u] > index[v]) swap(u, v);
      if (nxt[u] != nxt[v]) {
        f(index[nxt[v]], index[v] + 1);
        v = par[nxt[v]];
      } else {
        if (u != v) f(index[u] + 1, index[v] + 1);

  template <typename F>
  void subtree_vertex(int v, F f) {
    f(index[v], index[v] + sz[v]);

  template <typename F>
  void subtree_edge(int v, F f) {
    f(index[v] + 1, index[v] + sz[v]);

  int lca(int u, int v) {
    while (1) {
      if (index[u] > index[v]) swap(u, v);
      if (nxt[u] == nxt[v]) return u;
      v = par[nxt[v]];

  int subtree_size(int v) { return sz[v]; }

  int vertex(int v) { return index[v]; }

  int parent(int v) { return par[v]; }

  int restore(int ix) { return rev[ix]; }
#line 2 "util/compress.cpp"

#line 4 "util/compress.cpp"

template <typename T = ll>
class Compress {
  vector<T> data;
  bool built = false;

  Compress() {}
  template <typename Iter>
  Compress(Iter first, Iter last) : data(first, last) {

  void build() {
    if (not built) {
      sort(data.begin(), data.end());
      data.erase(unique(data.begin(), data.end()), data.end());
      built = true;

  void insert(T v) {
    built = false;
  template <typename... Args>
  void emplace(Args&&... args) {
    built = false;
  int size() {
    return data.size();
  int operator()(const T& v) {
    assert(binary_search(data.begin(), data.end(), v));
    return std::lower_bound(data.begin(), data.end(), v) - data.begin();
  T restore(int i) {
    return data[i];
  T operator[](int i) { return restore(i); }
  auto begin() { build(); return data.begin(); }
  auto end() { build(); return data.end(); }
#line 1 "util/fast-io.cpp"

// IO
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmisleading-indentation"
class MyScanner { public: int offset = 0; char nc(){ return getchar(); }
template <typename T> void input_integer(T& var) { var = 0; T sign = 1; int cc = nc(); for (;
cc < '0' || '9' < cc; cc = nc()) if (cc == '-') sign = -1; for (; '0' <= cc && cc <= '9'; cc =
nc()) var = (var << 3) + (var << 1) + cc - '0'; var = var * sign; var += offset; } int c() {
char c; while (c = nc(), c == ' ' or c == '\n'); return c; } MyScanner& operator>>(char& var)
{ var = c(); return *this; } MyScanner& operator>>(int& var) { input_integer<int>(var); return
*this; } MyScanner& operator>>(ll& var) { input_integer<ll>(var); return *this; } MyScanner&
operator>>(string& var) { var = ""; int cc = nc(); for (; !isgraph(cc); cc = nc()); for
(; isgraph(cc); cc = nc()) var.push_back(cc); return *this; } template <size_t N>
MyScanner& operator>>(bitset<N>& var) { ll v; input_integer<ll>(v); var = bitset<N>(v); return
*this; } template <typename T> operator T() { T x; *this >> x; return x; } template <typename
T> void operator()(T &t) { *this >> t; } template <typename T, typename... Ts> void operator()
(T &t, Ts &...ts) { *this >> t; this->operator()(ts...); } template <typename Iter> void iter
(Iter first, Iter last) { while (first != last) *this >> *first, first++; } VI vi(int n) { VI
res(n); iter(all(res)); return res; } VVI vvi(int n, int m) { VVI res(n); rep(i, n) res[i] =
vi(m); return res; } VLL vll(int n) { VLL res(n); iter(all(res)); return res; } VVLL vvll(int
n, int m) { VVLL res(n); rep(i, n) res[i] = vll(m); return res; } template <typename T> vector
<T> v(int n) { vector<T> res(n); iter(all(res)); return res; } } IN, IN1{-1}; class MyPrinter
{ public: int offset = 0; template <typename T> void output_integer(T var) { var += offset; if
(var == 0) { putchar('0'); return; } if (var < 0) putchar('-'), var = -var; char stack[32];
int stack_p = 0; while (var) stack[stack_p++] = '0' + (var % 10), var /= 10; while (stack_p)
putchar(stack[--stack_p]); } MyPrinter& operator<<(char c) { putchar(c); return *this; }
MyPrinter& operator<<(double x) { printf("%.10f", x); return *this; } template <typename T>
MyPrinter& operator<<(T var) { output_integer<T>(var); return *this; } MyPrinter& operator<<(
char* str_p) { while (*str_p) putchar(*(str_p++)); return *this; } MyPrinter& operator<<(const
char* str_p) { while (*str_p) putchar(*(str_p++)); return *this; } MyPrinter& operator<<(const
string& str) { const char* p = str.c_str(); const char* l = p + str.size(); while (p < l)
putchar(*p++); return *this; } template <typename T> void operator()(T x) { *this << x << newl
; } template <typename T, typename... Ts> void operator()(T x, Ts ...xs) { *this << x << " ";
this->operator()(xs...); } template <typename Iter> void iter(Iter s, Iter t) { if (s == t) *
this << "\n"; else for (; s != t; s++) *this << *s << " \n"[next(s, 1) == t]; } } OUT, OUT1{1}
; template <typename T, typename U> MyPrinter& operator<<(MyPrinter& out, const pair<T, U>&
var) { return out << var.first << " " << var.second; } template <typename Tuple, size_t I,
size_t N, enable_if_t<I == N>* = nullptr> MyPrinter& tuple_impl(MyPrinter& out, const Tuple&
var) { return out; } template <typename Tuple, size_t I, size_t N, enable_if_t<I != N>* =
nullptr> MyPrinter& tuple_impl(MyPrinter& out, const Tuple& var) { out << get<I>(var) << " ";
return tuple_impl<Tuple, I+1, N>(out, var); } template <typename... Ts> MyPrinter& operator<<(
MyPrinter& out, const tuple<Ts...>& var) { return tuple_impl<tuple<Ts...>, 0, sizeof...(Ts)>(
out, var); } template <typename T, typename U> MyScanner& operator>>(MyScanner& in, pair<T, U>
& var) { return in >> var.first >> var.second; } template <typename Tuple, size_t I, size_t N,
enable_if_t<I == N>* = nullptr> MyScanner& tuple_impl(MyScanner& in, Tuple& var) { return in;
} template <typename Tuple, size_t I, size_t N, enable_if_t<I != N>* = nullptr> MyScanner&
tuple_impl(MyScanner& in, Tuple& var) { in >> get<I>(var); return tuple_impl<Tuple, I+1, N>(in
, var); } template <typename... Ts> MyScanner& operator>>(MyScanner& in, tuple<Ts...>& var) {
return tuple_impl<tuple<Ts...>, 0, sizeof...(Ts)>(in, var); }
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#line 9 "verify/aoj/0367.test.cpp"

struct Path {
  array<int, 2> to;
  ll cost;
  Path(int u = -1, int v = -1, ll _cost = -1) : to({min(u, v), max(u, v)}), cost(_cost) {}
  bool operator==(const Path& rhs) const { return to == rhs.to; }
  bool operator<(const Path& rhs) const { return to < rhs.to; }

int main() {
  int n = IN, k = IN;

  Graph graph(n);
  VLL weight(n);
  Compress<Path> edges;

  rep(n - 1) {
    int a = IN, b = IN, c = IN;
    edges.emplace(a, b, c);

  HLD hld(graph);

  auto merge_path = [&](const Path& a, const Path& b) {
    if (a.cost == -1) return b; else if (b.cost == -1) return a;
    auto edge_cost = [&](int u, int v) {
      ll res = weight[u] + weight[v]
               + edges.restore(edges(Path(u, v))).cost;
      return res % k ? res : 0;
    rep(i, 2) rep(j, 2)
      if (binary_search(all(edges), Path(a.to[i], b.to[j])))
        return Path(a.to[i ^ 1], b.to[j ^ 1],
                    a.cost + b.cost + edge_cost(a.to[i], b.to[j]));
    return Path();

  auto do_nothing = [](auto x, auto y) { return x; };

  vector<Path> paths(n);
  rep(i, n) paths[i] = Path(hld.restore(i), hld.restore(i), 0);

  SegmentTree<Path, decltype(merge_path), decltype(do_nothing)>
    segtree(paths.begin(), paths.end(), n, Path(), merge_path, do_nothing);

  rep(IN) {
    string cmd = IN; int x = IN, y = IN;
    if (cmd[0] == 'a') weight[x] += y, segtree.modify(hld.vertex(x), Path());
    else {
      Path r1, r2;
      int z = hld.lca(x, y);
      hld.path_vertex(x, z, [&](auto l, auto r){ r1 = merge_path(r1, segtree.fold(l, r)); });
      hld.path_edge(y, z, [&](auto l, auto r){ r2 = merge_path(r2, segtree.fold(l, r)); });
      OUT(merge_path(r1, r2).cost);
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